Vintage ads with Hot Dogs and Canned Meats

Here are two great vintage ads from 1950 that showcase the trend for quick, fun, processed foods in American families.

First is an ad from French’s Mustard. The photo shows, of course, a huge plate of hot dogs! These are “hot dogs! with that extra flavor French’s gives!”

vintage french mustard ad with hot dogs

This ad also features a little bonus, a recipe for “Hot Dan’s Salad Dressing”, which the ad suggests using as a “zesty potato salad with extra flavor”.

Hot Dan’s Salad Dressing
* 4 tbsp French’s Mustard
* 2 tablespoons evaporated milk
* 2 tablespoons vinegar
* pinch of salt
* 2 tbsp sugar
Beat well until light and fluffy.

Who is “Hot Dan?” Well, it looks like he’s the mascot of sorts for French’s. Here in this ad, he wears a shirt that says “Hot Dan the Mustard Man,” and also offers the reader a recipe book to send for,
Hot Dan’s “Dining Delights.”

Next is another colorful ad, for Armour Pantry-Shelf meals. You can see in the illustration that some of the meals being offered are familiar names such as Treet, Deviled Ham, Corned Beef Hash and Vienna Sausage, along with less common ones such as the “Deviled Tongue.”

Vintage ads for Armour Meats, 1950

The point of this ad is to show “How to Coax an appetite in 20 easy minutes”, and to that end, there is a simple recipe for “Eggs Viennese.” This is as easy as heating the Armour Vienna Sausages in a little butter or margarine, and serving it with scrambled Cloverbloom Eggs.

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