Light Clothes for Light Housekeeping, 1921

Light Clothes for Light Housekeeping


This page from the August 1921 issue of the Woman’s Home Companion magazine offers some ideas for lighter house dresses for the summer. The author rationalizes that since you now have the help of electric appliances to do some of the heavy work (as shown in this entry on this website), and since it’s so hot outside and in, you may as well wear something light and pretty. As the article states,

“Electric washing machines! Vacuum cleaners! Fireless cookers! And hot weather! Consider this array of reasons for a little lighter housekeeping, and see if you can’t find a reasonable excuse for a little lighter house dress. If you don’t need to get down on your knees and scrub the floor in it, why not choose a dainty lawn dress or a thin cotton crepe or voile for your summer house dress? You’ll feel so cool and pretty in it that it will make your light summer housekeeping a pleasant diversion.”

Light dresses for housekeeping, 1921

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